Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cloudy with a chance of... MOVING! Breakfast and lunch

My roommate Jalene and I have been "squatting" in the basement of her aunt's apartment until the lease starts on our new apartment. Last night we got a VERY exciting call saying we'd probably be able to move in today... and we can! I'm pretty terrible at living out of a suitcase, and my car is stuffed to the brim from the drive from New York. Jalene and I have unloaded our cars and just have to figure out how to get our beds and other furniture out of various old roommates' bedrooms and kitchens so that we can finally set up. I hope we get hold of her aunt Michele's truck... I'm a relatively new driver and renting a U-Haul probably isn't the best idea!

Michele surprised it with my favorite breakfast... Steel cut oats! I'm usually in such a rush to get out the door in the morning that I just make the instant Quaker kind, but steel cut are a whole different ballgame. I've read about other bloggers cooking them overnight, which I'm definitely going to try as soon as my kitchen looks something like a cooking space. These oats were pretty creamy, so I only added a handful of raisins and some brown sugar. I probably had 1/2-3/4 cooked oats... I find that when I make the instant kind I "need" more to fill up on; this is probably because they're more broken down than the steel-cut and therefore it's easier for the body to digest.

I also had one and a half cups of black coffee... I don't think I'm quite ready to give it up!
After breakfast I drove to campus to work out at our campus' newfangled "athletic and wellness center"; as miffed as I am about the school putting so much money into athletics and neglecting the departments that really need it (English, for one), the gym is SO NICE. We have tons of treadmills and ellipticals so I haven't had to wait for a machine yet, and they have fancy touch screens and "virtual trainers" (although I've shied away from that). The best part, though, are the huge flat screen TVs that broadcast not reality television, but movies! Today I saw part of "Happy Gilmore," which I've embarrassingly never seen all the way through.

I debated between setting my goal for 3 miles or 30 minutes, but I ended up going with 30 minutes:

2.48 miles
4.94 mph average (30 second walks every half mile or so, light jog at 5.2, and 7.0 sprints)

3 x 10 reps tricep machine (30 lbs)
3x 10 reps chest press (30 lbs)
3x 10 reps crunch machine (30 lbs)
3 x 10 reps various dumbell exercises (5 lbs each hand)

While I was running I realized I'd left the coffee pot on (although I remembered to turn off everything else... I'm pretty forgetful in the morning), so I panicked and drove back to Michele's to make sure the house hadn't burned down. A-OK. I was ravenous, so I ate half a Kashi Pumpkin Spice Flax bar while I was driving.

I went to the cafeteria for the first time in almost a year. I have to remember to sneak in some tupperware... I had vegetarian refried beans, mexican rice, sautéed peppers and salsa that I mixed up; I had a small salad of spinach with cauliflower, red cabbage, and sprouts which I drizzled with a little pre-made balsamic vinaigrette since I couldn't find the regular balsamic; and a small scoop each of baba ganoush and spinach hummus which I used to dip a couple carrots and celery. The humus was a little to garlicky for my liking. I had a nice glass of skim milk to drink. I had a small granny smith apple for dessert; I was in such a hurry to get to class that I was already halfway finished before I remembered to take a picture!
I had the second half of my Kashi bar on the way to my Pilates class around 4:30 .... Unfortunately the class seems to have been displaced because of the opening for the athletic center so no "zipping the navel" today.

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