Monday, October 20, 2008

Make way for my tummy

Something funky's going on with me; I've been STARVING for the past 24 hours. I forgot to post this earlier, but part of the reason I couldn't sleep last night was because I was so hungry! Luckily (and lazily) I had a Clif Bar in my purse by the bed so I didn't even have to get up. I had the Maple Nut flavor; it was pretty good and had little pieces of pecan pralines inside.

I had some grapes before Poetry this morning...

Leftover (cold) casserole for lunch with some Chobani and a couple carrots.

I was so hungry when I got home that I ate the last piece of casserole.

Sorry I'm so late posting lunch... I'm about to make dinner!

1 comment:

Anon said...

oooh i spy a jcrew catalog. pretty pretty :)

great meals! i love leftovers!!