Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fastest post ever

I have to leave in 10 minutes, so this is gonna be quick:

I had the rest of my Clif Builders bar on the way to class:

Some Stacy's pita chips in class, before my workout (I had about 4)

Bike workout:
5.65 miles
265 calories burned
27:42 minutes

60 straight arm crunches

I was thinking about this while I was pumping away on the bike! Here's a link to the recipe:

I had it on protein bread with spinach and curried nayonnaise (next to the milk):

I didn't finish the milk, so I gave a little to each of the kitties. I'm going to miss them so much!

I'm bringing these to the airport and I'll probably get some kind of ridiculously expensive coffee drink.

I have to pack my computer.... Have a lovely evening!


Unknown said...

yum, tofu! have a great flight!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Great eats!!

Have a wonderful, safe trip!!

Anonymous said...

Travel safe sweetie!
Heart your polka dot plate btw.

Anonymous said...

Love those Stacy's chips!

Have a safe and uneventful flight home!!

Nicci said...

Oh, i just bought some tofu at the grocers...Ill have to try this recipe this week!