Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hmm... case of the Tuesdays?

This day has been going by in a blur. It's already 4? How did that happen?

Nothing was screaming at me to eat it in the cafeteria at lunch, so I just grabbed a big mound of seitan, celery, and two types (spinach and garlic) of hummus.

I had all the seitan, a little of the celery and about 1/4 of the hummus. I also had half of this grapefruit. I guess my oats held me over longer than I'd expected this morning, and I just wasn't that hungry.

After class I had to go to Media Services to watch movies for my Russian paper. I snacked on this Lemon Bar Larabar.

I'm glad it was tart, because I really wasn't in the mood for something too sweet. I'd buy this flavor again.

Sorry I'm so blah today... I'm a little tired, and pretty overwhelmed with schoolwork. I'm going to get a quick workout in right now; I could really use the energy boost.

Have a great afternoon!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Today's definitely been a blur - time just passes far too quickly these days.


Anonymous said...

It's okay! You're not blah! I mean look at that zesty Larabar! :)
I've not had seitan...yet! Is it amazing?

K from ksgoodeats said...

Gotta love those work out endorphins! They will make you feel better :)

Laura said...

I need to branch out and try some new larabar flavors! I usually stick to my favorite, cashew cookie.

Caroline said...

Way to spice it up with the Lemon zest! Never had that one before, hmm...I need get a little more adventurous

Unknown said...

I had a Larabar Lemon Bar today, too!! LOVE!
And you're not blah :)