Monday, December 29, 2008

Role Models?

Yes, we saw this movie today. It was actually much better than I thought it would be! Ari gave it a C+; I'd probably give it a B. I love me some Paul Rudd. I was so jealous of Cher!

I forgot to bring my camera to work last night. I was going to try to use Paint to draw you my salad, but I couldn't find the application! Oh well. It was a Cobb with avocado, tomato, cabbage, lettuce and crumbled blue cheese. I had little carrot ginger dressing on the side. I also had a vodka soda for my shift drink.

My nice nice Daddy-O drove me to Queens, and brought treats! I had two of Melissa's chocolate- covered cashew butter sandwich cookies.

I also had a piece of trail mix bark. I have the eating bug this week! Sorry for these pictures... I took them in the car, as you can probably tell.

Another morning at the diner! I should just call Ari Coffee Boy from now on... he's always in my coffee pictures.

Toasted sesame bagel with lox, onion, lettuce, tomato, a little cream cheese and capers. I might take Sarah's suggestion and start bringing Laughing Cow Light wedges with me.

After the movie, I'd been planning on going to the gym (I was even in my workout clothes!) but I just didn't feel like it. I felt guilty about that decision later, but whatever.

I stopped at Whole Foods and had a late lunch (you'd think I'd have learned by now). I filled up at least half of the container with mixed greens, then topped it with two kinds of tofu (including an inferior version of Gliding Calm's sesame-ginger kind), green beans, artichokes and sesame noodles. I've been craving cold sesame noodles- you know, the really good Chinese take-out kind? Well, I haven't been able to find any that are satisfactory ANYWHERE. I might just have to make some myself.

The carbo-load this morning apparently didn't satiate me, so I grabbed a cranberry walnut roll and a coconut water. I LOVE this stuff.

Here are some shots of the view outside our living room window, courtesy of Ma Veggie Patch:

I might do a little yoga or ab work... I feel sort of like a slob today. I'm going to a play tonight with Kalle; I'm not sure if we'll get dinner before since I ate such a late lunch. My family is also coming tonight for a week... I'm so excited!

Have a great evening!


Unknown said...

Yay for family coming in town :)
How cute of your daddy to bring those sweet snacks for you. Love it!
Wait, you can have an alcoholic bev while at work?! Suh-weet!
Oh, oh if you decide to exercise today I vote for yoga :)
Have a fabulous night, doll

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Paul Rudd = me like ;-)

Hooray for family!! And yes, do yoga tonight. Megan (above) and I are yoga-enthusiasts, haha.

Laura said...

The sky is so pretty! Glad your family is coming! :)

Anonymous said...

inferior version?! ahhh your so sweet! I love you Katie!!!!! you are my tofu twin!!

the WF meal still looks fab, and I ADORE lox bagel sandwiches. I used to eat them all the time growing up!

haha I saw Role Models. It was interesting. Wana play Lair? hilarious.


K from ksgoodeats said...

GORGEOUS views!!

I wish I could drink at work sometimes - you're lucky!

Paul Rudd...I'll take it :)

Anon said...

pretty pics!! i was so jealous of cher in clueless too. paul rudd is such a cutie ;) i loved him in 40yo virgin and knocked up and role models was kinda cute... especially the little boy

Anonymous said...

Vodka soda is my drink of choice!! Yumm, have fun at the play!

Caroline said...

Yum, I looove me some coconut water too! So refreshing! Alcoholic bev's at work?! Get it girl!
What a gorgeous view, bah!

Anonymous said...

i've never had coconut water!

pretty sunset : )

Katy said...

No lie ... I can still quote full scenes from Clueless. I LOVE Paul Rudd, and I'm not afraid to say it!

Thanks for the post ... your WF salad made me hungry. :)
