All your well wishes seemed to do the trick; I feel almost 100% now. Of course, I do have to give a little credit to the good food I had tonight. I'm obviously not a doctor, but I'm a firm believer that unless you've got some kind of stomach bug, it's best to eat foods that both comfort and nourish when you're not feeling your best. Anyway, on to the eats! I've been lucky enough to eat with my parents almost every night this week, and we've had quite the spectrum of food.
We started off with some edamame:
Some much-needed green tea and miso soup:
I wasn't sure if I'd be able to finish all of my usual dinner, the sashimi bento box. I ordered it anyway...
And ate every last bite! (Except for the rice.) It was delicious. I could really eat this every day. In the box was green salad, shrimp and vegetable tempura, tuna and salmon sashimi and a California roll. Finger-lickin' good!
I came home and did some cute little domestic things, like fold laundry and arrange my closet. My idea of a Friday night! Ha, actually I didn't even know it was Friday until my parents reminded me, and I'm all for having a relaxing evening at home. I had the perfect nightcap: a navel orange and a rectangle of Dagoba New Moon (yes, I may have bought it for the name) 74% dark chocolate.
I'm all snuggly in bed watching Charlie Bartlett, but I have a feeling I'll be falling asleep before the movie's over. It seems pretty brilliant so far though, so I hope I can stay awake for it.
Have a lovely evening!
Glad you feel better! That looks like the perfect dinner.
Hooray for feeling better!! And for miso soup ;-)
Wonderful dinner! Glad you're better!
yaay i'm glad you feel better!
and maybe these blogs are speaking to me... but i've already read 3 blogs who had sushi :)
I love miso, your sushi looks so good! I had some a few weeks ago, and it was a little disappointing.
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