I woke up bright and early to have breakfast with Ari. I had a breakfast cookie, coffee with milk (probably not skim) and water. Note to self: black table + red glass= invisible beverage!
1/2 cup oats
1/2 scoop protein powder
2 heaping spoonfuls yogurt
1 clementine
1 tbsp PB
dried fruit (craisins, currents, dates and prunes)
The soup kitchen wasn't very busy this morning, which was a little odd because there are usually more people towards the end of the month. It was still nice, though, because it meant more food for the folks who were there. One of the men who works there burst into song; "Auld Lang Syne" for New Years in baritone. Everyone joined in, and it was very festive. That song always makes me think of When Harry Met Sally! Maybe I'll try to rent that for New Years Eve.
My mom and I had a nice lunch at PicNic.
I'm feeling a little funky so I didn't want any more coffee. I had some Organic Breakfast tea with tea and lemon.
We split a couple things: Eggs "Benedict" (with gravlax insead of Canadian bacon) with the sauce on the side; we each had one and I didn't have any fries.
And a cheese soufflé with tomato sauce. Uh, yum.
We split the little side salad.
For some reason I was still snacky after all that, so I had a piece of Melissa's trail mix chocolate bark. THIS IS SO GOOD. The chewy/crunchy combination INSIDE the chocolate is pretty fab.
And... surprise! Christmas isn't over!!! I got an AMAZING package from my Sarah (whom I miss very much) today. She appliquéd this adorable shirt (with a BEE, which is my power animal, FYI) and "happened" to bake some of her grandma's Finnish Biscuit Bread. I can't wait to try some!
Look how cute! She's the best.
Even though I already packed my gym bag and shlepped it into Manhattan, I'm not feeling so great so I think I'm just going to take a bath and do some gentle yoga.
Enjoy your Saturdays!
Sarah is so nice (as all sarah's are...) for making that shirt--it's adorable.
i think its so great that you volunteer at a soup kitchen, youre amazing.
Cute shirt!! I really admire that you volunteer at the soup kitchen, that's a great thing to do!
My sense of time will be way off until January 12th when I unfortunately have to remember what day it is in order to go to class. Until then...I'll just be lost ;)
Oh and by the way, Kerropi!? LOVE IT! He was one of my favs!
That's pretty good that the soup kitchen wasn't busy - I hope that those who weren't there are doing better and are having a good holiday (as good as possible).
SUCH a cute shirt; and Melissa's trail mix goodies = mmm, mmm, mmm!!!
The shirt is really cute, I totally want eggs benedict now!
love you! Wanna be you!
Your day sounds AND LOOKS as though it was amaaaaazing! Love it! Ending this part of your dizzle with some hatha? Amaaazing! I went for an amaaazing swim earlier so rejuvenating enjoyyy!
Very cute shirt!
I also think it's great that you volunteer at a soup kitchen.
ah, glad you liked the trail mix bark!!! there was def lots of it! :D
and i love the shirt! that bee is so cute!
Glad you had a great Christmas! Love the pics!
Great surprise from Sarah!
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