Because I went to the gym/grocery shopped/took a shower between classes, I was worried I was going to have to heat up one of my new frozen dinners. (Is it weird that that's actually something I stress out about?) Luckily my planning worked out (bake tofu while I'm in the shower, cook sweet potato and spinach while getting dressed) and I got to enjoy one of my favorite meals (it's already becoming comfort food... and it's healthy! What is this?!) in a classroom!
Gliding Calm tofu:
Steamed spinach with rice wine vinegar and sesame seeds:
Mashed sweet potato with B&B and brown sugar:
My poor class probably smelled vinegar for two hours! Although since it was Russian cinema, maybe the scent added to the ambiance... The film we saw was The Return; it was a really strange and sad movie, but I loved it. This was our last screening, and I'm sort of sad that I won't have such easy access to Russian films. But I do have Netflix!
I came home and had an apple:
And I just made myself a nice big mug of hot chocolate with 'mallows and cinnamon. Hope it doesn't put me to sleep!
Time to buckle down and get some work done. Have a lovely night!
That looks like a PERFECT meal. I love the idea of adding sesame seeds to spinach... I might just have to pick some up next food shop trip!
And I also love ending off my note with a nice mug of hot chocolate. So comforting.
Deeeeeelish meal!! Miss Gliding Calm's dishes are always inspiring; and I LOOOOOVE spinach & sweet potatoes!!! Yum :-)
Hope your night was relaxing!!
What a great meal! I love the abundance of marshmallows in the hot chocolate - those were always my favorite part!
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