Yesterday after a ridiculously pathetic workout that I'm not even going to post about (I'll admit, I got a little too party-hardy the night before so getting onto a cardio machine probably wasn't the best idea) I met my mom, aunt, uncle, twin cousins, and George in Union Square for lunch.
After eating something I felt a thousand times better. Is pizza and soda not the best hangover cure? Maybe not the healthiest, but there's something to be said for it. We went to Pie, a cute little pizzeria on 4th avenue (and conveniently across the street from my gym, for future reference). I got a portabello mushroom slice with a diet black cherry soda.
Bere grew an orange moustache:
All in the family! Notice how Abby and I are dressed almost exactly the same.
Abby and I broke off from the group to have some girl time and do a little shopping. We needed some fuel to keep us going, so we stopped in at the Cupcake Café.
Some dancing cupcake showgirls to aid the decor:
I got a chocolate cupcake with mocha frosting. It was almost too pretty to eat. Almost.
I made a nice pre-work snack... I've started eating more meals throughout the day, if you haven't noticed, because of the weird schedule my body is struggling to get used to.
Fage with honey, blackberries and a clemmie:
An Amy's California veggie burger with ketchup and mustard:
One of Melissa's chocolate-covered pretzels...
After I finished work at 11, I had a Crispy Crunchy Veggie Salad (carrots, chickpeas, olives, cucumbers, hearts of palm, celery and romaine) with carrot ginger dressing.
The sushi chef saw me salivating over the sushi bar so surprised me with a California roll. Thanks, Sunny!
Daddy-O and Abby made my favorite: Grandmother's Apple Cake (which you may remember); he brought me a slice to munch on in the car. I LOVE THIS CAKE!
This morning Ari and I woke up bright and early, split this Hot'n Healthy bar (LOVE) and went into the city.
Stair Mill:
20:00 minutes
1.76 miles
84 floors climbed
229.9 calories burned
25:00 minutes
152 calories burned
3.21 miles
shoulder press- 2 x 10 @ 10 lbs
chest press- 3 x 10 @ 10 lbs
lateral raise - 3 x 10 @ 10 lbs
lateral pulldown- 3 x 10 @ 40 lbs
Ab series (minus plank holds)
I popped into Starbucks to refuel. This was my first experience with their "Perfect Oatmeal." I added brown sugar and dried fruit; it was very good and definitely the healthiest thing Starbucks has to offer. Now that they've posted the calories in their baked goods, I don't think I'll be buying their mediocre "treats" again!
We just had our "second Christmas" with the fam. I got some very nice things, including a heart rate monitor! I have been wanting one for SO LONG. I can't wait to figure out how to use it tomorrow!
Have a lovely day, and if I don't see you, have a GREAT NEW YEAR'S!