Monday, December 22, 2008

Hustle & Go

I've got to run to work in a few minutes, so I'm going to make this quick! I didn't think I was going to be able to stop at home, but my bags were so heavy that I thought I'd take the extra subway trips to lighten my load.

I can't stop making breakfast cookie faces! I didn't want someone to open the fridge and think it was just mush and throw it out, and who would throw this baby out? I didn't have any banana or yogurt so this cookie was a little different today:

1/2 cup oats
1 clementine
1/2 scoop of my new Kashi protein powder (good!)
1 tbsp peanut butter
craisin eyes, prune nose, current smile

I went back to sleep after breakfast until ONE. My sleeping schedule is pretty whacked-out. I had a small coffee with skim milk on the subway on the way to the gym:

I had a great workout today. I decided to just use the stair mill, so I stayed on longer than usual. I left my ipod at school by mistake, so I was very happy to see the new issue of SELF in the magazine rack!

Stair Mill:
42:00 minutes
169 floors climbed
447 calories burned

ab series (the planks are getting MUCH easier for me to do!)

I was pretty hungry so I had a clemmie while I dried my hair in the locker room:

I read in SELF that post-exercise, you shouldn't eat much more than 18% of carbs in your meal. That translates into no energy bars for at least 3 hours after your workout. Interesting!

I re-feuled at Whole Foods. I missed this salad bar! Roughly what I had:
falafel ball (NOT good, very dry... but I kept "tasting" it to see until I liked it more until it was all gone)
vegan "chicken" salad
3 types of tofu: fried sweet & spicy, baked plain, BBQ with edamame
mixed greens
pad thai (we serve this at my restaurant, and rather than order it for dinner I thought I'd get a little taste to satisfy my craving)
2 dumplings (again, thought I'd satisfy that craving and maybe I won't order the shrimp dumplings for dinner tonight!)

With coconut water (LOVE this... I rarely treat myself to it, though):

And I grabbed a chocolate hazelnut biscotti on the way out. I think I've been having biscotti-envy from K's ABC breakfasts... this was so good! I forgot how much I love biscotti :-)

Time for work, catch ya later!


Simple and Divine said...

I LOVE BISCOTTI!!! The perfect treat, but hey have to be SUPER crispy for me :)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Such a happy-looking breakfast cookie!! :-)

Hooray for Whole Foods lunches!! Sorry about the falafel though :-(

Good luck at work!!

K from ksgoodeats said...

Thanks for the shout out!! I love me some biscotti :)

Your WF lunch looks amazing - please tell me to give in and buy a WF lunch one of theses days!

Anonymous said...

what a cute breakfast!

WF biscotti is SO GOOD but their cookies are even better. try one next time!

Unknown said...

aww i like your smiley face breakfast cookie!
i need to get a salad at whole foods...i am such a sandwich girl that's what i always get there!
and, i forgot my ipod this morning too!!! grr.
have a good time at work!

Anonymous said...

ha your b-fast cookie is HILAR! No one's gonna toss that face...That's funny about eating the falafel to see if it would improve, I always do that- I can't just leave it! Esp since their salads cost $40283, roughly :D

Erica said...

Love the whole foods salad bar- I haven't been there in forever ever! I think its great that you make faces on your breakfast cookies- too cute

Laura said...

I love the breakfast cookie! Too cute!