Round one: broccoli, cauliflower, poached salmon w/ capers, gazpacho aspic, red and yellow peppers, artichoke hearts, bets, baby carrots (seriously baby! So small!), cukes.
Cappuccino with skim & cinnamon. Don't you love my grandmother's suit?
Round 2: 1 slice of WW toast with strawberry jam, pineapple, canteloupe, grapes, strawberries, honeydew, magic bar. I grabbed another magic bar on the way out, the chef insisted!
My granny is giving a dinner party this week, so I went to the grocery store to shop with her. Ever since I was little I have loved going grocery shopping with her. I think that's part of the reason why I like to cook so much! Not to mention that there are always tons of samples at the store she shops at.
Cracker w/ lobster spread (too fishy!):
Cheesy broccoli potatoes and a baking soda dinner roll. The dinner roll was so good!
For some reason lunch and all those samples didn't hold me over very well, so I had a banana a couple hours later.
Although I'm probably going to regret it tomorrow, I deemed today a much- needed veg-out day. There is work I should be doing, but I've been feeling pretty stressed recently and I just needed to watch a couple back-to-back episodes of Greek. Again, no shame here!
I'm going to see my absolute FAVORITE band tonight, The Hold Steady. They're playing at First Avenue with The Drive-By Truckers, who I liked a lot in high school. I heard one of their new songs on the radio today and it was pretty good! I am beyond excited! This will be my fourth time seeing The Hold Steady; they're the only band I've ever gone to see by myself and I saw them two days in a row once! I'd do that for Radiohead and probably Liz Phair, but not too many others. Woohoo!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Glad you enjoyed your well-deserved "veg-out" day - hooray!! :-)
Lunch at the club looks seriously good!
Veg-out days need to happen at least once a week in my book!
what a GREAT theme for a party!! i'm totally proposing that to my friends. "come as you were in high school" could be really fun too.
the ice cream always wins.
lunch looks like it was so good!
your grandmother's suit is very pretty :D
hope you enjoyed the rest of your weekend!
PS. Left you a little surprise on my blog :)
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