Saturday, November 15, 2008

Classic lunch and a product review

I spent the morning doing some peer reviews for the English paper I handed in on Monday. I got it all done, but it wiped me out! I think I'm going to need a nap in a few minutes... But first:

Product Review:

JamFrakas Banana Chocolate Blastocrisp as presented by Sarah:

We divided it into three, so here's a third of the bar:

À la Miss Hangry Pants, I thought I'd transcribe our discussion of the bar:

Megan: "Bad... I mean its not like, 'vomit' bad..."
Sarah: "Like banana bread, but with a funny aftertaste... I like the texture."
Megan: "I like the texture, too."
Sarah: "I would not buy this flavor again."
Katie: "Me neither."

And there you go.

I wanted a good ole soup and sammie lunch. Here's the sammie: fiber bread broiled with spinach and pepper jack cheese...

... and a bowl of leftover vegan chik'n noodle soup. Might be better the second day!

Okay, sleep time. À bientôt!


Anon said...

your sammie looks great! sorry about the bar :(

ps i notice u always read the WSJ. are you in business?

have a great weekend!!

Katie said...

Ha nope, not in business! My friend gave me a subscription for my birthday, to give me a more "well-rounded" world view.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Thanks for the product review!! Thank goodness the bars aren't vegan, since apparently I'm not missing anything by not eating them, haha ;-)

Love the soup & sandwich!!

Happy Saturday evening!!

Anonymous said...

Love the convo. So cute.

Anonymous said...

Boo to the jamfrackas - I still have that flavor and now I'm nervous to try it!

Hope you're having a good weekend!

Cindy said...

hi! thanks for stopping by my blog. hmm, that bar doesn't look too appetizing, but then most of those nutrition bars don't. the sandwich, however, YUM!

HangryPants said...

ha! Yeah, I am getting the feeling that most people are indifferent or disliking these bars. Oh well.