Last night I was feeling snacky while watching Munich, (which I loved, and highly recommend) so I made one of Sammie's "messes" and it held me over pretty well. I also had a few of the little apples we picked yesterday.
This morning I woke up on the late side, so I just had a wedge of soda bread toast with Stonewall Kitchen's Wild Maine Blueberry Jam and Emergen-C to take with my vitamins (which I'm running very low on, but it will be so expensive to refill them all!).
The brunch buffet at the Club was good again today. Clockwise from the top: smoked salmon with capers, fruit, beets, sprouts, pickle, gazpacho aspic, cukes, cauliflower, red and yellow pepeprs, all topped with a little balsamic dressing.
Round two: Baguette French toast with a little maple syrup. I've been in a very French toast mood recently! Maybe because it's getting colder and I want heartier, comforting breakfasts. I also had a "cappuccino," which arrived looking more like dark coffee with a little skim milk in it.
I'm still a little hungry, so I think I might have a granola bar or something. We'll see; I have a feeling I just need to drink some water. I had a lot of coffee at lunch!
Just two more days until I get my second x-ray. I'm a little nervous about it, but I have a feeling the doctor will tell me I need to stay on the crutches longer because my leg still hurts a little when I stretch out in bed. I definitely don't want to rush into it and end up with a longer recovery time, it's already starting to be snowy and slippery and it will be a real pain to be hobbling around during a Minnesota winter. Actually, I'm more concerned with going to the airport for Thanksgiving; it sounds like a nightmare! How do I go through security?! Well, no use worrying about what I can't really change, and I won't even know what the next month is going to look like until Tuesday morning. My fingers are crossed...
1 comment:
Hey!! Don't remember who's blog I found yours through.. but I definitely had to comment! I'm from Minneapolis, and I went to the U of MN last year, but now I'm out at Northeastern University in Boston!
ANDDD I'm on crutches right now too! What are you on for? Good to see a little touch of home!
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