I had a TERRIBLE time sleeping last night for some reason. Could be because of my ginormous "nap", but I was so tired while I was reading in bed! Anyway, finally after about an hour or so I got up to get a snack of toast with a little B&B and red raspberry jam. Annnd make sure my absentee ballot was all ready to go!
This is the first presidential election I'm voting in, so it's exciting for me. I'm hopeful...
I got up at 7 for my doctor's appointment and made a quick mess of nonfat plain yogurt, pumpkin, GoLean, almond butter, and a squirt of honey. Delish!
So. Here's what the doctor said: My fracture is healing well, as far as he can tell- the x-ray only showed a little "hazy fuzz", which is what stress fractures look like on film. Typically, femural fractures take 3 months to heal, so here's what the next three weeks look like for me:
Week 1: Add a little weight, assisted with crutches
Week 2: More weight-bearing, still assisted with crutches
Week 3: Try walking, unassisted
My next appointment is the week before I go home for Thanksgiving, so hopefully I'll be off crutches before I have to go to the airport (my #1 fear). I knew I wasn't going to be able to give up the crutches so soon, so I'm not too disappointed. And maybe two weeks from now I'll be able to walk like a 'normal' person.
I had a Chex Mix bar that my grandmother got as a sample in "Turtle" (sorry for the blurry picture, and yes I do have flowered sheets!). It was pretty good... Not something I'd choose for an energy booster, but it only had 130 calories and either 2.5 or 3.5 grams of fat, so it did the trick.
Lunch was Annie's white cheddar macaroni with half a can of tuna, and a sliced apple.
I'm having an early dinner at Bucca di Beppo tonight so I didn't pack a snack, but my tummy's grumbling! I might go pick up some pretzels from the vending machine with the last dollar in my wallet...
I love adding pumpkin to yogurt! Especially vanilla. Mmmm.
Rock the vote, sista!
So sorry about your poor night's sleep :0(
Oh my, LOOOVE that leaf!! So beautiful!!
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