Today we went apple picking for Sarah's birthday! It was so much fun; I don't think I've been since elementary school. Before we left for Stillwater, I had a piece of soda bread.
Kettle corn samples!
When we got to the farm, we were told the orchard was "all picked out." We went and explored, though, and found tons of small apples still left on the trees, practically screaming, "Pick me!" So pick we did.
Do you know how much good, clean fun can be had in an apple orchard? So much! There was apple baseball, knock-the-apple-off-the-Ted-Bundy-stick, Luke tried to catch one in his mouth...
The gift shop in the "Apple Barn" was amazing: mulling spices, gingerbread pancake mix, apple cider donuts (which I've been craving but after last night my tummy does not want anything sweet), local maple syrup, hot cider... There were all different kinds of "butters", from apple to PUMPKIN to cherry. Originally, I was going to get a couple of these, but decided against it since I have so many kinds of jams and have pumpkin in some form almost every day. I am definitely going to be making gingerbread pancakes in the near future, though!
They had an adjoining winery, and I think this may have been my first ever wine tasting! I really want to learn more about wine, and reading about Kath's tastings makes me want to find some in the Cities. These are all from the Saint Croix Vineyards. Hooray for local winemaking! Left to right: Minnesota Orchard Reserve Apple Wine, Vignoles, Delaware (like a Riesling), Frontenac. There was also a raspberry dessert wine, but the bottle disappeared before I could photograph it. I got a bottle each of the apple wine and the Frontenac, but I'm going to save them for special times.
Each pour was only about two small sips worth. I cleansed my palate with half a pretzel twist in between wines, and had a dark chocolate Hershey's kiss with the dessert wine.
Leftover baked shrimp on a bed of angel hair shirataki noodles. NO MORE WINE for me this weekend, so I had the nonalcoholic version instead.
Old school cinnamon toast (Brummel & Brown, turbinado sugar, cinnamon) cut into pieces, just because.
Still no luck with the heat; I'm going to get under the covers and watch Munich, and maybe catch up on some Gray's Anatomy afterwards because I have a feeling this movie is going to be a bit of a downer. An evening at home is just what I need right now!
1 comment:
Hooray for apple-picking!!! I'll be doing just that in about a week :0)
Happy Sunday!!
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