I had another sleepless night; I got up a little after I turned out the light and had this Clif Nectar bar. I used to eat these a lot sophmore year... they definitely taste more like a dessert, but they're a lighter form of Larabar. I think they're pretty good!
Warm bowl of oats to combat the 60 degree thermostat I woke up to:
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup water
1/2 banana
1 tsp flax
small handful raisins
1 tsp brown sugar
1/3 cup skim milk
There's going to be some kind of parking drama (something about a crane somewhere near the parking lots?) so I'm going to get to school early so I don't have to walk a mile to get to class... Happy Humpday!
Aww my little siamese does the exact same thing! Eventually he starts licking my fac/neck though so if it's a good book he must be removed and placed next to me. Sooo cute though!
sorry you slept poorly :(
i loooove the cliff nectar bars too! they're a close second to larabars
Katie... I'm TOTALLY with you on the Clif Nectars! But the Cocoa ones are totally Mcnasty. For me, at least. Chocolate + Fruit should never be in the same vicinity, let alone, COMBINED in a bar! It's mad funky.
You should totally contact Rob at Kardea Nutrition and ask him to send you a sample of his bars. IMHO (I'm not a big fan of Larabars and their Nutritional Stats are a little ridiculous to me... Read, SCARY. Haha- I'd so much rather eat something bigger and yummier than such a tiny minced-up-bar. ***DON'T HATE ME, PLZ.*** hehe). Anyways, the Kardea bars ARE INCREDIBLE, especially the Banana Nut and the Cranberry Almond! They are INCREDIBLY moist and their nutritional stats, phenomenal. 150 kcals with 7 grams EACH, of Protein and Fiber and they are DREAMY when eaten with greek yogurt in between bites and some tea. JUST PHENOM. I swear I don't work for Kardea, I just think they are incredible and you would adore them!
Happy Humpday!
(I didn't sleep too well, myself. But I'm feelin good today, anyway!)
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