Sunday, September 21, 2008

Stretch them bones

Yeah... hard to do that, I know. I took tylenol to try to ease the soreness in my shins. I'm also feeling a bit of joint pain by my left hip flexor. I'm glad tomorrow is my designated rest day! I ended up totaling at 15.82 miles this week; had I not taken Wednesday off I would have achieved the training guide's 19 mile goal. Next week the goal is 22... I hope I can do it! The only tough one will be 5 miles on Sunday.

Today I ate in the good ole cafeteria. They were out of normal bread, so I ended up eating a piece of gluten-free, fruit juice-sweetened brown rice bread. It was.... interesting. Unless I'm having dinner with gluten-allergics, I think I'll stay away from that in the future. I topped the bread with a veggie burger, scrambled eggs, spinach, tomato and onion (and ketchup and mustard, of course).

I wanted something sweet and they had already wheeled all the fruit away, so I had the last square of carrot cake to be found. It looks a little dejected... I also had a cup of skim milk.

I've been a lot thirstier lately, so I'm trying to remember to keep refilling my water bottle. Unfortunately, this also makes me "that kid" who gets up to leave for a few minutes each class.... Now I have to go read an entire Henry James book by 1 PM tomorrow. I haven't put the clean sheets on my bed yet to discourage myself from getting in it... although, I'll be honest, it's been done before. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

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